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Multi - Disciplinary challenge

From idea to handy product

Collaboration with several experts led to a professional device. Development of the Eggcheff Cooker & Eggcheff Scrambled.

A great challenge for our multi-disciplinary team! Developing from idea to handy product in valued look & feel.

With great enthusiasm TRICAS was leading in the development of the Eggcheff Scrambled. Collaboration with several experts led to a professional device which can prepare freshly made scrambled eggs in a minute, adds a spoon to the cup automatically, stirs and cooks the scrambled eggs until perfection.

The Eggcheff Cooker, also a multi-disciplinary assignment from idea to product, is a developement TRICAS is proud of. This amazing machine brings the cooking time of an egg from twelve minutes down to one! With the push of a button you choose a fresh perfectly soft, medium or hard-boiled egg!